0) { list($name, $description, $region, $city, $dp_first, $dp_last, $pm_first, $pm_last, $date, $stats) = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_BOTH); $name = htmlentities(theToFront($name)); $description = str_replace("\r\n\r\n", "\n", $description); // don't show region title if it's already in the city title if (strstr($city, $region) !== false) $region = ''; else $region = ', ' . $region; } else { mysql_close($dbCon); header("Location: $redirect"); die(); } mysql_free_result($result); // get the associated media (but don't include zoom images) $sql = "SELECT m.title, m.location, m.file, mt.name FROM media m, projectxmedia pxm, media_type mt WHERE pxm.project = $id AND pxm.media = m.id AND m.media_type = mt.id AND m.media_type != 8 ORDER BY mt.name ASC, pxm.ordering ASC"; $result = doQuery($sql, $dbCon); $media = array(); $backgrounds = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < mysql_num_rows($result); $i++) { list($title, $location, $file, $type) = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_BOTH); $media[] = ''. $title .' ('. $type .')'; if ($type == 'Full Experiential Photo') $backgrounds[] = $location.$file; } mysql_close($dbCon); // Page Content Begins --------------------------------- //htmlHeader($title = '', $meta = '', $js = array(), $background = '') { htmlHeader($name, '', '', $backgrounds[rand(0, count($backgrounds)-1)]); require_once("../_superNav.php"); require_once("_nav.php"); ?>

Project :


Completed: January 1 1970

Design Principal:

Project Manager:


Project Statistics

0) { ?>

Related Media

' . $media[$i] . '

'); ?>